Workshop om å lage det tredje stedet
Tirsdag 29. november, kl 12-16.00
Kloden teater, Pilotscenen


Scenekunstbruket skal lede et Kreativt Europa-prosjekt med partnerne Junges Ensemble Stuttgart og Divaldo Drak, samt assosiert partner Kloden teater: 3Place: Performing arts as the Third Place for the young audience.

Vi tar utgangspunkt i de sosiologiske teoriene om «third places», både som fysiske rom, men også sosiale steder, imaginære steder og selve kunstopplevelsen. Målet er å lage gode metoder for å nå det unge publikummet og å utvikle scenekunsten til å være et sted de velger å være, møtes og føler seg hjemme i. Under Showbox skal vi sammen med Kloden teater ha en praktisk workshop med ungdommer, arkitekter, kunstnere, arrangører, byutviklere, politikere og andre for å diskutere hvordan et slikt tredje sted kan ta form.

Med bl.a:
Kjell Moberg (kunstnerisk leder på Kloden teater)
Reinert Andreas Mittel (daglig leder Biblo Tøyen og Deichman Tøyen torg)
Hege Pålsrud (scenograf som jobber mye med stedsspesifikke prosjekter)
Faten Mahdi (programleder, blant annet på NRKs «Faten tar valget»). Faten vokste opp på Ulven, her i vårt nærmiljø.

Om prosjektet: 3Place- Performing arts as the Third Place for the young audience

In 3Place, we will look at the sociological theories of Third Place, not only as a physical location, but also as a social and an imaginary space of an art experience. This creates a framework for developing the performing arts more relevant to young people’s lives, to be a place they choose to meet and feel at home.

In this project the theory of third place will be a concept for building a relation to the performing arts, not only inviting visitors to the performances. Third place is defined as a safe place where individuals gather to share a common purpose, engage in creative expression, and develop a sense of belonging. How can we lower the threshold for interest for the young audience, especially groups who as today don’t see the performing arts experience being for them?

Through three subtopics we want to explore the idea of a third place together with the young audience itself, artists, and other professionals in the performing arts sector.

  • 3Place physical: How to create or transform a physical space in which the young audience feels at home and included?
  • 3Place artistic: How to create an art experience in which the young audience feels at home and included?
  • 3Place involve: How do we involve the young audiences in a way they feel represented?

Each topic has a year-long focus with a camp, a festival visit, digital workshops and ongoing field work in each organisation and their community.

We will connect artists and audiences and develop different methods to make the experience of performing arts a place to belong, away from home and school -a third place. The project will connect artist development, audience development and area development, and will include organisations, artists and places that explore different ways of participation and cooperation.

Arrangementet er en del av Showbox, en scenekunstfestival med fokus på det unge publikumet. Fra 29. november til 3. desember setter vi opp forestillinger på scener over hele Oslo. Velkommen!

Tirsdag 29. november 2022
