We're launching Peter Pan and Robin Hood tickets

January 8, 2024

These tickets allow the public to buy tickets according to their ability to pay, both if you need affordable tickets or if you are able to pay a little extra and thus sponsor the affordable tickets.

From the start, Kloden teater has been committed to offering ticket prices on par with a cinema ticket or lower. We believe that performing arts should be accessible to everyone. With our new Peter Pan and Robin Hood tickets, we are taking this principle one step further. The aim is to give even more children and young people good dance and theater experiences.

Performing arts as a common good

In an article in Norsk Shakespeare tidsskrift on 14 December, Hans P. Henriksen asks whether the major theatre institutions are moving towards a slow logic of privatization. Theatres have been forced to raise ticket prices to compensate for the lack of adjustment for wage and price increases in the public subsidy. Henriksen believes we have a situation where the community pays for theater that is offered to an economic elite, instead of supporting the original idea: To be a low-threshold offer for everyone.

Kloden teater will and must be a counterweight to this trend.

We are a theater that has children and young people as our core audience. In addition, we have deliberately placed our operations in the east of Oslo, at the bottom of Groruddalen in Økern. We want new audience groups to also experience the best performing arts, and from day one we have made it clear to our supporting partners that ticket revenues cannot be a crucial part of our operations.

Ådne Sekkelsten, head of theater at Kloden teater

"Taking from the rich"

Peter Pan tickets cost NOK 20. The tickets are for people for whom the ticket price is important for whether or not you see a performance.

If you buy a Robin Hood ticket, you pay NOK 300. By choosing this ticket, you sponsor the Peter Pan tickets, and enable more children and young people to experience the performing arts regardless of their ability to pay.

The new tickets are in addition to our regular tickets, and we will continue to offer free tickets for some performances.

We were inspired by our partner in Germany, Junges Ensemble Stuttgart, which has been offering Robin Hood and Peter Pan tickets for a long time. We are very excited to introduce the concept in this country.  

 We hope that both the Peter Pan and Robin Hood tickets will open up the theater even further and allow even more people to experience the performing arts here at Kloden teater.