To Ulver - Beatur & Taro

How do we learn to make the right choices? And what is right and wrong?

Kloden teater and OBOS invite you to a free theater performance: The cool beatbox slam poetry story "Two Wolves" in the neighborhood house at Ulven!

We meet a young boy who gets angry and runs away from home, into a dark forest where he suddenly hears a sound...

Beatur is a DJ, comedian and musician, as well as a master of beatboxing. Taro is an actor, rapper, and Norwegian and Scandinavian champion in slam poetry.

Using beatboxing, live looping, poetry, rap and storytelling, Taro and Beatur serve up a fun and fabulously wondrous performance with a solid moral compass.

Crows with COPD? Socially ill whales? How it fits into the story of the angry boy is perhaps hard to imagine, but just wait!

Where: Nabolagshuset, Ulvenveien 71
When: Thursday, May 11 at 17:30
Suitable for: All children from 4 years and up

Thursday, May 11, 2023
