Oslo incidents: Words / كلمات - Liam Monzer Alzafari

Did you know that Arabic has a separate word for gentle love and another for love that dominates and enslaves the heart? In total, there are over 20 different words to describe love in Arabic. Now you can see ten of them at Kontraskjæret in Oslo.

Love can be obsessive and all-consuming or friendly and gentle. It can be patient and generous or controlling and filled with jealousy.

Artist Liam Monzer Alzafari has selected ten words that describe a distinctive form of love in Arabic. Now you can see the neon signs light up the fall night at Kontraskjæret in Oslo, as part of Oslohendelser.

For many, Arabic language and culture are unknown. For others, it is part of everyday life. Alzafari wants to meet distance and prejudice with love and sharing. Use the Arabic words and make them your own. Can the rich language enrich our encounters with other people and give us words to describe shared experiences of love?

Dancer and choreographer Mia Habib and dance and sound artist Jassem Hindi have together created "Oslohendelser" - a series of six performative events that will take place in Oslo during the fall. Oslohendelser is a collaboration between TrAP and Kloden teater. Read about the full program here

Wed 22 - Thu 30 September 2021
