Soft eyes - Artilleriet Produksjoner

Soft eyes was played on June 14, 2018 at 12:30, 13:00, 16:30 and 17:00

Soft Eyes is a short and intense theater performance about people on the run and those of us who receive them.

The performance takes place inside the cargo hold of a truck. The truck is noisy and shaking. It's hot, and the audience is cramped. You get to feel what many people go through in their attempt to reach the goal of a better life.

Autumn 2015: We are in the midst of the biggest refugee disaster Europe has seen since World War II. The scale has increased dramatically in recent weeks. Aid agencies within the Schengen area say that they will soon be unable to help any more. The situation is even worse at the EU's external borders and in the Middle East, and winter is just around the corner.

Artilleriet Produksjoner is a performing arts company based in Oslo. The company creates poetic works, often in untraditional spaces and contexts, and uses the theater as a space to create and showcase realities other than the obviously visible ones.

The text is written by playwright Kate Pendry in light of the refugee situation in recent years.

Target group: From 16 years old

Venue: Kloden tent in front of Nationaltheatret

Duration: 20 minutes


Screenplay: Kate Pendry

Director: Thomas Østgaard

Actors: Benjamin Lønne Røsler, Jenny Ellegård, Joao Pamplona & Jade Francis Haj

Thursday June 14, 2018
