Inside the show! Kloden teater

Who knew it was possible to cross the Atlantic Ocean from Kabelgata in Oslo, just with the help of a sheet, some music, magic lights and a paper boat?

INNI FORESTILLINGA! is a symbiosis of a theater workshop and an interactive performance. Led by two performers, the children are brought into the performance and get to try their hand as actors, directors and musicians. The performers alternate between narrating, acting out scenes and activating the pupils, who all along the way help to color and influence the story. Together we create the story of a girl who traveled by boat to America 100 years ago. Using simple tools, the children get to experience for themselves what it takes to create a full-fledged theater performance. Children become the heroes along the way and lead the performance into the magical ending.

Target group: 8 - 13 years

Venue: Pilotscenen

Duration: 70 minutes


Performers: Seda Witt and Ingeborg Larsen 

Co-creator: Kloden teater v/ Kjell Moberg 

Mon 15 - Wed 17 April
