Heddadagene: The fabulous flakes - Unge Viken Teater

There's something hiding in that colorful car! But what is it? Two expectant types open the car and present a big flower? Or wait - a funnel! Are they going to play music?

They try, but in the funnel they find a big egg, and the egg makes a sound! What could it be? A bird? A crocodile? A furry little caterpillar?

"Fabelflakseren" is a fun and imaginative outdoor performance full of surprises. The music is created together with kindergarten children, and by the audience during the performance.

The performance is free, just show up.


The production is performed at Teaterplassen på Grønland, in Mandallsgata 12


By Giert Werring & Tiril Valeur
With Annie Dahr Nygaard and Erikk McKenzie
Director Giert Werring
Visual designer Tiril Valeur
Composer Erikk McKenzie, with sounds from children in Vormsund kindergarten
Hilda Levin
Producer Carolinn Helgerud
Produced by Unge Viken Teater

Thursday, June 15, 2023
