The great cultural debate

- Art and culture create the city 

In connection with the municipal and county council elections in 2023, we invite you to a cultural policy debate with representatives from the various political parties in Oslo. 

How can professional art and culture help create a good place to live for young people in Oslo?

Based on the current municipal plan, with its vision, goals and strategies towards 2040, it states that Oslo will become a greener, warmer and more creative city with room for everyone. In addition, the UN Sustainable Development Goals are an important part of social planning in Oslo, including the goal of creating sustainable and inclusive urbanization, cities and communities.

The panel discussion will focus on the following questions: 

  1. 1. What visions do the parties have for professional art as an actor in creating sustainable communities in the city?
  2. 2. What role do professional artists and cultural actors have in the Oslo of the future?
  3. 3. How do politicians see art and culture actors contributing to the goals of the municipal plan?
  4. 4. In what way will politicians facilitate diversity in the presentation of professional art in Oslo?


Ane Katrine Øverseth Olsen (Red)

Bjørn Revil (FrP)

Hallstein Bjercke (V)

Mehmet Kaan Inan (H)

Morten Edvardsen (Sp)

Rauand Ismail (MDG)

Rina Mariann Hansen (Ap) 

Sarah Safavifard (SV)

Yngve Slettholm (KrF)

Moderator for the debate: Marte Bjerke, journalist at Fagbladet.

Bjerke has extensive experience as a debate leader, moderator and as a cultural journalist in the daily and trade press. She was acting editor of Musikkultur (now Kontekst) for two periods. Her original background is in music, and she has previously worked as a clarinetist, teacher and conductor.

Doors open at 18:00, and the debate will last from 19:00 - 20:00. It will also be possible to buy food and drinks during the event. 

The event is in collaboration with Norsk Scenekunstbruk.

The image is from the performance Påskemåne Ønskesol by Thea Borring Lande.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023
